To figure out the top ten moments of the year, Facebook counted how frequently a topic was mentioned in Facebook posts made between January 1 and November 27, 2016. Mentions were analysed in an “aggregated, anonymised way”, and then ranked to create a snapshot of the year, the social network says. The last 12 months has been clearly dominated by politics, which is also shown in the list. With the rise of Donald Trump to the American presidency, to the “Brazilian Politics” and, of course, Pokemon Go, all of them have found themselves as the most popular topics, globally. The full list of the most talked about moments in the world in 2016, include: The company also added that the top 10 live videos that were measured by total cumulative views. The top ten live videos were: Like every year, the company has also unveiled a new way users can take a walk down their Facebook memory lanes, with a personalised ‘Your Year in Review’ video in their news feeds. What are you waiting for? Go to and preview your ‘Year in Review’ video now.