Since last year UK has been planning to incorporate in its secondary school curriculum a strong foundation in subjects like Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). However, last year secondary school included some programming languages and topics related to internet safety in the “coding curriculum”.  With Micro Bit computer the major aim is to provide some initial level coding skills which will induce in the younger generation an interest for more advanced programming in future, which might help them to connect with other complex programmable devices like Raspberry Pi, Arduino or Kano.  The basic ideology of this “Make it Digital program” seems to be linked to the idea of “BBC Micro of the 1980’s” which proved helpful in developing some good coders then. According to BBC Director General, Tony Hall, UK technological industry would probably grow by about 40% in next 5 year and hence BBC is taking initiatives to get people ready for this boom by special training and even a whole range of educational activities and events are being held across the country to educate parents and teachers as well as the younger ones to transform into a digitally creative generation. “Micro Bit” is just a reference name or working title given to the prototype however the actual name will be declared during its launch. So with many big firms on the board it really seems to be a huge project which is aiming at building technologically advanced country.